論文リスト(1957~1979 重松恒信教授)
[1] T. Shigematsu, M. Tabushi, Some Experiments in Precision Colorimetry, Bulletin of the Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University 36 (1958) 127-133.
[2] 重松恒信, 金属ゲルマニウム中のガリウムの蛍光分析, 分析化学 7 (1958) 787-788.
[3] 石橋雅義, 松井正和, 有機試薬(II) Vic-dioxime類, 化学 14 (1958) 1049-1052.
[4] M. Tabushi, Spectrophotometric Determination of Uranium by Solvent Extraction as Acetylacetone, Bulletin of the Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University 37 (1959) 237-244.
[5] M. Tabushi, Solvent Extraction of Uranium with Chloroform as Acetylacetonate, Bulletin of the Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University 37 (1959) 226-231.
[6] M. Tabushi, Spectrophotometric Determination of Iron by Solvent Extraction as Acetylacetonate, Bulletin of the Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University 37 (1959) 245-251.
[7] M. Tabushi, Solvent Extraction of Iron with Chloroform as Acetylacetonate, Bulletin of the Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University 37 (1959) 232-236.
[8] M. Tabushi, Solvent Extraction of Metal Acetylacetonates, Bulletin of the Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University 37 (1959) 252-259.
[9] 石橋雅義, 重松恒信, 柴田正三, 誘発反応機構の一般的考察およびKMnO4-Fe(II)-Cl-系の誘発反応とZimmermann-Reinhaldt試薬の抑制機構について, 分析化学 8 (1959).
[10] 重松恒信, 溶媒抽出法によるリン-32の無坦体分離, 分析化学 8 (1959) 261-263.
[11] 石橋雅義, 重松恒信, 柴田正三, ピロリン酸第二マンガンによるヒ素,アンチモンおよびスズ共存下の微量鉄の定量分析化学, 分析化学 8 (1959) 377-379.
[12] 石橋雅義, 重松恒信, 柴田正三, ピロリン酸第二マンガンによるシュウ酸,マロン酸,酒石酸,クエン酸,サリチル酸の酸化定量分析化学, 分析化学 8 (1959).
[13] 重松恒信, 田伏正之, アセチルアセトンによる鉄(III)の吸光光度定量法, 分析化学 8 (1959) 710-714.
[14] 重松恒信, 田伏正之, アセチルアセトンによるウランの吸光光度定量, 分析化学 8 (1959) 253-256.
[15] T. Shigematsu, T. Oshio, Effect of Cobalt-60 Gamma Radiation on Ion Exchange Resin, Bulletin of the Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University 37 (1959) 349-352.
[16] 重松恒信, 田伏正之, アセチルアセトンによるベリリウムの抽出分離, 日本化学雑誌 80 (1959) 159-162.
[17] 重松恒信, 田伏正之, アセチルアセトンによるベリリウムの光度定量法とアルミニウム合金中のベリリウムの定量への応用, 日本化学雑誌 80 (1959) 162-165.
[18] 重松恒信, 田伏正之, アセチルアセトンによるウラン,鉄の同時吸光光度定量, 日本化学雑誌 80 (1959) 1018-1021.
[19] 重松恒信, 田伏正之, ジベンゾイルメタン塩としてウランの抽出ならびに定量, 日本化学雑誌 81 (1959) 265-268.
[20] 重松恒信, 大塩敏樹, 村田和子, 放射能汚染除去に関する研究-陽イオン交換体による核分裂生成物の処理-, 廃棄物処理 原子力シンポジウム報文集 (1959) 59-63.
[21] M. Ishibashi, T. Shigematsu, T. Ishida, M. Koyama, Coprecipitation of Fission Products on Ferric Hydroxide, Bulletin of the Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University 38 (1960) 145-150.
[22] T. Shigematsu, Y. Yamamoto, M. Tabushi, T. Kitagawa, Spectrophotometric Determination of Nickel by Mineral Acid, Bulletin of the Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University 38 (1960) 307312.
[23] Y. Yamamoto, M. Tabushi, T. Kitagawa, T. Shigematsu, Spectrophotometric Determination of Cobalt by Mineral Acid, Bulletin of the Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University 38 (1960) 313-317.
[24] 石橋雅義, 重松恒信, 西川泰治, 蛍光分析法に関する研究(第12報)アルミニウムの蛍光定量(ポンタクロムブルーブラックRによるアミルアルコール抽出法)ならびにマグネシウム中の微量アルミニウムの定量, 日本化学雑誌 81 (1960) 259-262.
[25] 重松恒信, 田伏正之, ジベンゾイルメタンによる鉄の吸光光度定量, 日本化学雑誌 81 (1960) 76-79.
[26] 重松恒信, 大塩敏樹, バーミキュライトによる放射能除染の研究, 同位体と放射線 3 (1960) 170-180.
[27] 重松恒信, 大塩敏樹, 海水中のセシウムのグリーンサンドによる吸着, 日本塩学会誌 14 (1960) 185-190.
[28] T. Shigematsu, M. Tabushi, Y. Nishikawa, T. Muroga, Y. Matsunaga, Geochemical Study on Lake Mikata, Bulletin of the Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University 39 (1960) 43-56.
[29] T. Shigematsu, M. Tabushi, Extraction Behavior of Metal Acetylacetonates, Bulletin of the Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University 39 (1961) 35-42.
[30] 重松恒信, 大塩敏樹, リン酸型陽イオン交換樹脂による核分裂生成物からのセシウム,ストロンチウムの分離, Isotopes and Radiation 4 (1961) 105-109.
[31] 藤永太一郎, 重松恒信, 指示薬変色の理論, 色材協会誌 34 (1961) 94-100.
[32] T. Shigematsu, M. Tabushi, Countercurrent Distribution of Iron and Copper in Acetylacetone-Butyl Acetate System, Bulletin of the Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University 40 (1962) 374-380.
[33] T. Shigematsu, M. Tabushi, M. Matsui, Coprecipitation of Scandium with Calcium Oxalate, Bulletin of the Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University 40 (1962) 381-387.
[34] T. Shigematsu, M. Tabushi, T. Tarumoto, Dibenzoylmethane as a Chelating Reagent in Solvent Extraction and Spectrophotometric Determination, Bulletin of the Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University 40 (1962) 388-399.
[35] 重松恒信, 田伏正之, 磯島文雄, 生物,天然水中のベリリウムの定量, 分析化学 11 (1962) 752-756.
[36] 重松恒信, 田伏正之, アセチルアセトンによるマンガンの溶媒抽出, 日本化学雑誌 83 (1962) 46-48.
[37] 西川泰治, 平木敬三, 合田四郎, 重松恒信, オキシン誘導体によるスカンジウムの吸光光度定量, 日本化学雑誌 83 (1962) 1264-1267.
[38] 重松恒信, 西川泰治, 平木敬三, 合田四郎, 平山宏, フラボノールによるジルコニウム,ハフニウムのケイ光定量, 近畿大学原子力研究所年報 2 (1963) 33-37.
[39] T. Shigematsu, M. Tabushi, M. Matsui, Separation of Zirconium-95 and Niobium-95 by Solvent Extraction using Acetylacetone, Bulletin of the Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University 41 (1963) 212-218.
[40] 重松恒信, 田伏正之, 樽本康彦, ジベンゾイルメタンによるベリリウム,銅,ニッケル,コバルトおよび亜鉛の溶媒抽出, 日本化学雑誌 84 (1963) 131-134.
[41] 重松恒信, 田伏正之, 松井正和, 西川泰治, 合田四郎, スカンジウムの溶媒抽出ならびにイットリウム,希土類元素との分離, 日本化学雑誌 84 (1963) 263-267.
[42] 重松恒信, 田伏正之, 西川泰治, 平木敬三, 合田四郎, 井上玲子, 鉱物および海水中のスカンジウムの定量, 日本化学雑誌 84 (1963) 336-339.
[43] 重松恒信, 上杉勝弥, 田伏正之, ポンタクロム・アズール・ブールBによるスカンジウムの吸光光度定量法, 分析化学 12 (1963) 267-270.
[44] Y. Yoshizawa, H. Okamura, S. Iwata, I. Fujiwara, T. Shigematsu, M. Tabushi, T. Tarumoto, K. Sakamoto, Decay of 150Eu, Nuclear Physics 46 (1963) 78-92.
[45] S. Iwata, I. Fujiwara, T. Nishi, S. Goda, M. Tabushi, T. Shigematsu, The Half Life of Tb157, Journal of Physical Society of Japan 18 (1963) 315-316.
[46] 重松恒信, 田伏正之, 合田四郎, 玉置健三, 西川泰治, Pu+Be中性子源によるマンガンの放射化分析, Radioisotopes 13 (1964) 13-19.
[47] I. Fujiwara, S. Iwata, T. Nishi, S. Goda, M. Tabushi, T. Shigematsu, Decay of 157Tb, Nuclear Physics 50 (1964) 346-352.
[48] 上杉勝弥, 田伏正之, 村上敏治, 重松恒信, o-クレゾールフタレインコンプレクソンによる海水中のストロンチウムの定量, 分析化学 13 (1964) 440-444.
[49] 重松恒信, 西川泰治, 日下部富夫, 海水中のチタンの定量, 日本塩学会誌 17 (1964) 232-238.
[50] 重松恒信, 田伏正之, 村上敏治, 上杉勝弥, 海水濃縮過程のストロンチウムの挙動, 日本塩学会誌 17 (1964) 1-5.
[51] 重松恒信, 西川泰治, 平木敬三, 中川平四郎, 海水中のジルコニウムの定量, 日本化学雑誌 85 (1964) 490-493.
[52] T. Shigematsu, M. Tabushi, M. Matsui, The Solvent Extraction and Spectrophotometric Determination of Uranium using Benzoyltrifluoroacetone as the Chelating Reagent, Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan 37 (1964) 1333-1336.
[53] 重松恒信, 上杉勝弥, 村上敏治, 田伏正之, o-クレゾールフタレインコンプレクソン吸光光度法による貝肉,貝殻中のストロンチウムの定量, 分析化学 13 (1964) 1032-1035.
[54] T. Shigematsu, M. Tabushi, M. Matsui, The Coprecipitation of Yttrium with Calcium Oxalate, Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan 37 (1964) 1610-1613.
[55] 重松恒信, 田伏正之, 村上敏治, 上杉勝弥, かん水中のストロンチウムの沈殿挙動, 日本塩学会誌 18 (1965) 272-276.
[56] 重松恒信, 上杉勝弥, 田伏正之, 海水濃縮過程のリン酸の挙動, 日本塩学会誌 18 (1965) 270-272.
[57] 重松恒信, 田伏正之, 村上敏治, 上杉勝弥, かん水中のストロンチウムの沈殿分離, 日本海水学会誌 19 (1965) 1-4.
[58] 重松恒信, 光吸収法及びケイ光法による微量金属元素の定量分析の研究, 分析化学 14 (1965) 1077-1080.
[59] 重松恒信, 光吸収法およびケイ光法による微量金属元素の定量, 分析化学 14 (1965) 1193-1199.
[60] T. Shigematsu, M. Tabushi, M. Matsui, Separation of Zirconium-95 and Niobium-95 by Solvent Extraction using Trifluoroactylacetone and Benzoyltriflioroacetone, Bulletin of the Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University 43 (1965) 339-346.
[61] T. Shigematsu, Y. Nishikawa, S. Goda, H. Hirayama, N-Benzoyl-N-phenylhydroxylamine as a Reagent for the Separation of Niobium-95 from Zirconium-95 and for the Spectrophotometric Determination of Zirconium and Niobium, Bulletin of the Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University 43 (1965) 347-354.
[62] 重松恒信, 上杉勝弥, 田伏正之, 海水濃縮過程の希土類元素の挙動, 日本海水学会誌 19 (1965) 270-272.
[63] M. Matsui, The Coprecipitation Behavior of Strontium with Calcium Oxalate by Precipitation from a Homogeneous System, Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan 39 (1966) 581-585.
[64] 重松恒信, 西川泰治, 平木敬三, 5,7-ジクロルオキシンによるイットリウムのケイ光定量 −ゼノタイム中のイットリウムの定量−, 分析化学 15 (1966) 493-498.
[65] T. Shigematsu, M. Tabushi, M. Matsui, T. Honjyo, The Solvent Extraction of Europium Ions with Benzoyltrifluoroacetone. The Synergistic Effect of Oxygen- and Nitrogen-containing Solvents, Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan 39 (1966) 165-169.
[66] M. Matsui, The Coprecipitation Behavior of Rare Earth Elements with Calcium Oxalate upon Precipitation from a Homogeneous System, Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan 39 (1966) 1114-1119.
[67] 重松恒信, 田伏正之, 上杉勝弥, ポンタシィル・バイオレット・4BSNによるベリリウムの吸光光度定量法, 分析化学 15 (1966) 1369-1373.
[68] T. Shigematsu, M. Tabushi, M. Matsui, T. Honjyo, The Synergisic Effect in Solvent Extraction-The Correlation of the Ionic Radius of Rare Earth Elements with the Stability Constants of Rare Earth Benzoyltrifluoroacetonate Adducts with n-Hexyl Alcohol, TBP and TOPO, Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan 40 (1967) 2807-2812.
[69] T. Shigematsu, M. Tabushi, M. Matsui, M. Munakata, The Influence of Complex Formation on Coprecipitation Behavior, Bulletin of the Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University 45 (1967) 267-272.
[70] M. Matsui, M. Munakata, T. Shigematsu, Effect of Organic Coprecipitants on the Coprecipitation of Metal Chelates, Bulletin of the Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University 45 (1967) 273-281.
[71] T. Shigematsu, T. Honjyo, Neodymium Benzoyltrifluoroacetonate Adducts Formed with Alcohols, Pyridine and Amines, Bulletin of the Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University 45 (1967) 282-289.
[72] T. Shigematsu, M. Tabushi, M. Matsui, K. Utsunomiya, Synergistic Effect of Solvent Extraction in Zinc b-Diketone-TOPO System. Influence of Terminal Group of b-Diketones, Bulletin of the Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University 45 (1967) 290-298.
[73] T. Shigematsu, O. Fujino, T. Honjyo, Nondestructive Determination of Silicon (Silica) in Marine Sediments by Fast Neutron Activation, Bulletin of the Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University 45 (1967) 299-306.
[74] T. Shigematsu, M. Tabushi, T. Aoki, O. Fujino, Y. Nishikawa, S. Goda, Activation Analysis of Lanthanum and Europium in Sea Water and Lake Water, Bulletin of the Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University 45 (1967) 307-317.
[75] 重松恒信, 上杉勝弥, ポンタシィル・バイオレット・4BSNによるスカンジウムの吸光光度定量, 分析化学 16 (1967) 467-469.
[76] 西川泰治, 平木敬三, 森重清利, 重松恒信, ルモガリオンによるアルミニウム,ガリウムのけい光定量, 分析化学 16 (1967) 692-693.
[77] 重松恒信, 海水中のイツトリウム,希土類元素, 日本海水学会誌 21 (1968) 241-245.
[78] 重松恒信, 海水中の微量成分, 日本海水学会誌 21 (1968) 221-229.
[79] T. Shigematsu, M. Matsui, K. Utsunomiya, Gas Chromatography of Rare Earth Chelates of Pivaloyltrifluoroacetone, Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan 41 (1968) 763.
[80] T. Shigematsu, M. Matsui, M. Munakata, T. Sumida, The Coprecipitation and Spectrophotometric Determination of Iron as 8-Hydroxyquinolinate, Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan 41 (1968) 609-613.
[81] T. Yamamoto, T. Fujita, T. Shigematsu, M. Ishibashi, Chemical Studies on the Seaweeds (23) Molybdenum Content in Seaweeds, Records of oceanographic works in Japan 9 (1968) 209-217.
[82] T. Shigematsu, M. Tabushi, M. Matsui, M. Munakata, The Coprecipitation and the Spectrophotometric Determination of Uranium as Dibenzoylmethane Chelate, Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan 41 (1968) 1610-1614.
[83] 重松恒信, 太幡利一, けい光分析, 分析化学 (1968) 33R-42R.
[84] T. Shigematsu, M. Tabushi, M. Matsui, M. Munakata, Studies on Adduct Formation of b-Diketone Chelates with Heterocyclic Bases, Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan 41 (1968) 2656-2660.
[85] 西川泰治, 平木敬三, 森重清利, 土山晃, 重松恒信, 海水中の微量アルミニウムの分析, 分析化学 17 (1968) 1092-1097.
[86] T. Shigematsu, M. Matsui, T. Sumida, Fluorometric Determination of Europium with Benzoyltrifluoroacetone, Bulletin of the Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University 46 (1968) 249-255.
[87] T. Shigematsu, M. Matsui, K. Utsunomiya, Gas Chromatography of Diisobutyrylmethane Metal Chelates, Bulletin of the Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University 46 (1968) 256-261.
[88] T. Shigematsu, M. Matsui, M. Munakata, T. Sumida, The Coprecipitation and Spectrophotometric Determination of Vanadium as 8-Hyadroxyquinolinate, Bulletin of the Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University 46 (1968) 262-268.
[89] T. Shigematsu, R. Wake, T. Honjyo, M. Matsui, Synergistic Effect in Solvent Extraction of Scandium b-Diketone TOPO System, Bulletin of the Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University 46 (1968) 269-274.
[90] 重松恒信, 海水中の微量元素, 生産と技術 (1969) 3-9.
[91] 重松恒信, 本浄高治, ベンゾイルトリフルオルアセトンとトリオクチルホスフィンオキシドによるコバルト(II)の抽出光度定量, 分析化学 18 (1969) 68-71.
[92] 重松恒信, 鈴木利彦, 田伏正之, 海水中のリチウムの原子吸光分析, 日本海水学会誌 22 (1969) 347-350.
[93] 重松恒信, 田伏正之, 上杉勝弥, 海水濃縮過程の亜鉛およびコバルトの挙動, 日本海水学会誌 22 (1969) 351-355.
[94] T. Shigematsu, M. Tabushi, M. Matsui, T. Honjyo, The Synergistic Effect in Solvent Extraction. The Effect of Carboxylic Acid on the Solvent Extraction of Europium(III) with Benzoyltrifluoroacetone, Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan 42 (1969) 976-980.
[95] T. Honjyo, The Synergistic Effect in Solvent Extraction. The Effect of the Chelating Ligands on the Stability Constant of Lutetium b-Diketonate Adducts with TOPO, Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan 42 (1969) 995-999.
[96] T. Shigematsu, M. Matsui, K. Utsunomiya, Gas Chromatography of Rare Earth Chelates of Pivaloyltrifluoroacetone, Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan 42 (1969) 1278-1281.
[97] T. Shigematsu, M. Matsui, R. Wake, Spectrofluorimetric determination of europium and samarium as their 2-naphthoyltrifluoroacetone-trioctylphosphine oxide complexes, Analytica Chimica Acta 46 (1969) 101-106.
[98] T. Yamamoto, T. Fujita, T. Shigematsu, Chemical Studies on the Seaweeds (24) Strontium Content in Seaweeds, Records of oceanographic works in Japan 10 (1969) 29-38.
[99] 西川泰治, 重松恒信, 無機けい光分析に用いられる有機試薬(I), Dotite News Letter 17 (1969) 2-10.
[100] 西川泰治, 平木敬三, 森重清利, 重松恒信, モーリン金属錯体のけい光特性とその分析化学への適用性について, 近畿大学理工学部研究報告 4 (1969) 159-167.
[101] 西川泰治, 平木敬三, 重松恒信, 5,7-ジクロルオキシンによるスカンジウムのケイ光定量, 日本化学雑誌 90 (1969) 483-486.
[102] 西川泰治, 重松恒信, 無機けい光分析に用いられる有機試薬(II), Dotite News Letter 17 (1969) 2-7.
[103] 藤田哲雄, 山本俊夫, 山路勇, 重松恒信, 各種海洋プランクトンの灰分,鉄およびマンガン含有量, 日本化学雑誌 90 (1969) 680-686.
[104] 音在清輝, 渡辺鐶, 重松恒信, 日下譲, 辻治雄, 根津弘幸, 木曽義之, 玉井忠治, 橋本哲夫, 小山睦夫, 大吉昭, 三辻利一, 放射能分析, 分析化学 (1969) 91R-114R.
[105] T. Shigematsu, T. Honjyo, The Synergistic Effect in Solvent Extraction -Rare Earth b-Diketonate System-, Bulletin of the Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University 47 (1969) 613-627.
[106] M. Munakata, M. Matsui, M. Tabushi, T. Shigematsu, Selectivity in the Metal-Complex-Catalyzed Decarboxylation of Oxaloacetic Acid and a Role of Metal Ion in an Enzyme System, Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan 43 (1970) 114-118.
[107] 重松恒信, 松井正和, 青木達, 伊藤正彦, イオン会合系抽出を利用する過塩素酸の放射分析, 分析化学 19 (1970) 412-414.
[108] T. Shigematsu, T. Honjyo, M. Tabushi, M. Matsui, Synergistic Effect in Solvent Extraction -Effect of Oxygen and Nitrogen Containing Organic Bases on the Stability of Zinc(II) and Cobalt(II) b-Diketonate Adducts-, Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan 43 (1970) 793-796.
[109] T. Shigematsu, T. Honjyo, Synergistic Effect in Solvent Extraction -Effect of the Chelating Ligands on the Stability of Lutetium Mixed Chelates with b-Diketones and Their Adducts with TOPO-, Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan 43 (1970) 796-800.
[110] 重松恒信, 西川泰治, 平木敬三, 長野憲子, 天然水中の微量アルミニウムの分析 −オルトフェナントロリンによる鉄マスキング-ルモガリオンけい光法−, 分析化学 19 (1970) 551-554.
[111] 藤田哲雄, 重松恒信, 海そう中のストロンチウム,カルシウムおよびマグネシウムの原子吸光分析, 分析化学 19 (1970) 893-899.
[112] M. Matsui, H. Freiser, Amino acid-responsive liquid membrane electrodes, Analytical Letters 3 (1970) 161-167.
[113] T. Shigematsu, M. Munakata, Kinetic Determination of Ultramicro Quantities of Copper. Application of Copper-Ion-Catalyzed Oxidation of Ascorbic Acid, Bulletin of the Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University 48 (1970) 198-202.
[114] O. Fujino, M. Matsui, T. Shigematsu, The Coprecipitation of Calcium with Strontium Oxalate, Bulletin of the Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University 48 (1970) 203-209.
[115] 重松恒信, 考古学と分析化学, 考古学と自然科学 3 (1970) 29-36.
[116] 重松恒信, 西川泰治, 平木敬三, 合田四郎, 辻本善守, 海水中のセリウムのけい光光度定量, 分析化学 20 (1971) 575-581.
[117] M. Munakata, Some New Oxygenated Cobalt Complexes, Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan 44 (1971) 1791-1796.
[118] 平木敬三, 辻本善守, 合田四郎, 西川泰治, 重松恒信, モナズ石中のランタンのけい光定量, 近畿大学理工学部研究報告 6 (1971) 57-62.
[119] K. Utsunomiya, Gas Chromatography of Aluminum, Gallium, and Indium b-Diketone Chelates, Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan 44 (1971) 2688-2693.
[120] M. Munakata, T. Shigematsu, Reactivities of Oxygenated Cobalt Complexes, Bulletin of the Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University 49 (1971) 297-306.
[121] T. Aoki, E. Deguchi, M. Matsui, T. Shigematsu, The Synergistic Effect in the Solvent Extraction of Europium and Zinc Benzoyltrifluoroacetonate Adducts with Phosphine and Arsine Oxides, Bulletin of the Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University 49 (1971) 307-313.
[122] K. Utsunomiya, T. Shigematsu, Gas Chromatography of Rare Earth Pivaloyltrifluoroacetone Adducts with Tri-n-butyl Phosphate and Tri-n-octylphosphine Oxide, Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan 45 (1971) 303.
[123] 重松恒信, 水中の微量成分の分析, 最新の分析化学 (1972) 137-145.
[124] 西川泰治, 平木敬三, 長沼健, 重松恒信, ローダミンBによる軽金属中のスズのけい光定量, 分析化学 21 (1972) 390-392.
[125] K. Utsunomiya, T. Shigematsu, Thermogravimetric and gas-chromatographic study of neodymium, gadolinium and erbium b-diketone chelates, Analytica Chimica Acta 58 (1972) 411-419.
[126] K. Utsunomiya, Gas chromatography of rare earth chelates of isobutyrylpivalylmethane, Analytica Chimica Acta 59 (1972) 147-151.
[127] K. Uesugi, T. Shigematsu, M. Tabushi, Spectrophotometric determination of palladium with pontachrome azure blue B, Analytica Chimica Acta 60 (1972) 79-86.
[128] M. Munakata, S. Toyomasu, T. Shigematsu, Quantitative Treatment of the Distribution Coefficient for Coprecipitation of Metal Oxalates, Analytical Chemistry 44 (1972) 2057-2060.
[129] T. Shigematsu, M. Matsui, K. Uesugi, Spectrophotometric Determination of Palladium with Eriochrome Cyanine R, Bulletin of the Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University 50 (1972) 634-644.
[130] T. Shigematsu, O. Fujino, M. Matsui, Coprecipitation of Copper with Hydroxyapatite, Bulletin of the Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University 50 (1972) 645-652.
[131] K. Ueda, T. Aoki, M. Matsui, T. Shigematsu, The Solvent Extraction of Zinc Pivaloyltrifluoroacetonate Adducts with Monodentate and Bidentate Ligands, Bulletin of the Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University 50 (1972) 653-659.
[132] 重松恒信, 共沈殿分離, 分析化学 22 (1973) 618-624.
[133] 平木敬三, 由井収, 平山宏, 西川泰治, 重松恒信, 海水中のセレンのけい光定量, 分析化学 22 (1973) 712-718.
[134] 重松恒信, 微量カドミウムの原子吸光分析, 分析機器 11 (1973) 530-535.
[135] 重松恒信, 松井正和, 藤野治, カーボンチューブ原子化装置によるカドミウムの原子吸光分析 −海水への応用−, 分析化学 22 (1973) 1162-1167.
[136] 合田四郎, 山下芳文, 西川泰治, 重松恒信, 化学発光による過酸化水素の定量分析化学, 分析化学 22 (1973) 1180-1185.
[137] 重松恒信, 松井正和, 藤野治, 木下喜代三, 炭素チューブ原子化装置による鉛の原子吸光分析, 日本化学会誌 (1973) 2123-2126.
[138] T. Shigematsu, O. Fujino, M. Matsui, Coprecipitation of Cobaltous Ion with Calcium Oxalate, Radioisotopes 22 (1973) 628-631.
[139] Y. Sasaki, T. Shigematsu, The Mossbauer Effect of Several Iron(II) Octahedral Complexes of a-Dioxime, Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan 46 (1973) 3590-3591.
[140] Y. Sasaki, T. Shigematsu, The Magnetic Properties of Iron(II) Complexes with 2-(2'-Pyridyl)imidazole and Its Derivatives, Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan 46 (1973) 3438-3442.
[141] T. Shigematsu, A. Ota, M. Matsui, Liquid Membrane Electrodes Responsive to Such Organic Anions as Antiseptics and Artificial Sweetenings, Bulletin of the Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University 51 (1973) 268-272.
[142] T. Shigematsu, T. Uchiike, T. Aoki, Gas Chromatography of Zinc Pivaloyltrifluoroacetonate Adducts with Tri-n-Butylphosphate and Tri-n-Butylphosphine Oxide, Bulletin of the Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University 51 (1973) 273-277.
[143] 重松恒信, 化学発光を利用した過酸化水素の定量法, 分析機器 12 (1974) 36-42.
[144] Y. Sasaki, T. Shigematsu, The Magnetic Properties of Iron(II) Complexes with 2-(2'-Pyridyl) imidazole and its Derivatives, Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan 46 (1973) 3438-3442.
[145] 松井正和, 重松恒信, イオン電極, ファルマシア 10 (1974) 745-748.
[146] 重松恒信, 松井正和, 大田明子, 藤野治, グリオキサール=ビス(2-ヒドロアニル)によるカルシウムの吸光光度定量 −呈色の安定性について−, 日本化学会誌 (1974) 2226-2227.
[147] 重松恒信, 高島雍治, 大幡利一, けい光分析, 分析化学 23 (1974) 61R-68R.
[148] M. Matsui, T. Aoki, O. Inoue, T. Shigematsu, Nonaqueous Liquid-Liquid Extraction. Extraction of Zinc and Cadmium from Ethylene Glycol Solution of Bromide by Trioctylphosphine Oxide, Bulletin of the Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University 52 (1974) 652-657.
[149] T. Shigematsu, Y. Sasaki, Preparation and Characterization of Bis[2-(2-pyridyl)benzimidazole]iron(II) Complexes, Bulletin of the Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University 52 (1974) 658-663.
[150] O. Fujino, M. Matsui, M. Tabushi, T. Shigematsu, Coprecipitation of Zinc with Hydroxyapatite, Radioisotopes 21 (1975) 17-21.
[151] M. Matsui, T. Aoki, H. Enomoto, T. Shigematsu, Nonaqueous Liquid-Liquid Extraction: Extraction of Zinc from Ethylene Glycol Solution of Chloride by Trioctylphosphine Oxide, Analytical Letters 8 (1975) 247-255.
[152] O. Fujino, The Coprecipitation of Strontium with Hydroxyapatite, Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan 48 (1975) 1455-1458.
[153] Y. Sasaki, T. Shigematsu, The Preparation and Characterization of Bis[2-(2-pyridyl) imidazole]iron(II) Complexes, Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan 47 (1974) 109-111.
[154] T. Shigematsu, M. Matsui, O. Fujino, K. Kinoshita, Determination of manganese in natural waters by atomic absorption spectrometry with a carbon tube atomizer, Analytica Chimica Acta 76 (1975) 329-336.
[155] 重松恒信, 松井正和, 藤野治, 三野将司, 永広徹, 炭素チューブ原子化装置による海水および貝中の銅の原子吸光分析, 日本化学会誌 (1975) 1328-1331.
[156] T. Shigematsu, T. Omori, T. Aoki, M. Matsui, Coprecipitation Behavior of Zinc in the Oxygenation Process of Ferrous Iron, Bulletin of the Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University 53 (1975) 435-443.
[157] O. Fujino, M. Matsui, T. Shigematsu, Coprecipitation of Lead with Hydroxyapatite, Bulletin of the Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University 53 (1975) 444-451.
[158] O. Fujino, Coprecipitation of Cadmium with Hydroxyapatite, Bulletin of the Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University 53 (1975) 464-470.
[159] 重松恒信, けい光分析, ぶんせき (1976) 348-354.
[160] T. Shigematsu, M. Matsui, Y. Sasaki, M. Sakurada, Adduct-Formation Constants of Bis(3-trifluoroacetyl-d-camphorato)copper(II) with Lewis Bases, Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan 49 (1976) 2325-2326.
[161] K. Uesugi, T. Shigematsu, A highly sensitive spectrophotometric determination of palladium with chromal blue G and cetyltrimethylammonium chloride, Analytica Chimica Acta 84 (1976) 377-382.
[162] O. Fujino, T. Kumagai, T. Shigematsu, M. Matsui, Coprecipitation of Cadmium with Calcite, Bulletin of the Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University 54 (1976) 312-319.
[163] T. Kumagai, O. Fujino, M. Matsui, T. Shigematsu, Coprecipitation of Cadmium with Aragonite, Bulletin of the Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University 54 (1976) 320-329.
[164] T. Shigematsu, M. Matsui, Y. Sasaki, M. Sakurada, Thermodynamics of Adduct-Formation of Bis(3-trifluoroacetyl-d-camphorato)copper(II) with Pyridines, Bulletin of the Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University 54 (1976) 335-341.
[165] 由井収, 平木敬三, 西川泰治, 重松恒信, 海水,河川水中のセレン(IV),セレン(VI)のけい光定量, 分析化学 26 (1977) 91-96.
[166] K. Uesugi, T. Shigematsu, A highly sensitive spectrophotometric determination of gallium with pontachrome azure blue B and cetyltrimethylammonium chloride, Talanta 24 (1977) 391-393.
[167] T. Shigematsu, S. Goda, H. Yamazaki, Y. Nishikawa, Spectrophotometric Determination of Chromium(III) and Chromium(VI) in Sea Water, Bulletin of the Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University 55 (1977) 429-440.
[168] T. Honjyo, M. Matsui, T. Shigematsu, Some Aspects of the Tetrad Effect in the Synergic Extraction of Rare Earth b-Diketonate Adducts with n-Hexyl Alcohol, TBP, and TOPO, Bulletin of the Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University 55 (1977) 423-428.
[169] T. Honjyo, M. Matsui, T. Shigematsu, Extraction Behavior of Metal Benzoyltrifluoroacetonates, Bulletin of the Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University 55 (1977) 415-422.
[170] M. Sakurada, Y. Sasaki, M. Matsui, T. Shigematsu, Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Studies of Cobalt(II) Thioiminato Schiff Base Compound with Lewis Bases and Its Oxygen Adducts, Bulletin of the Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University 55 (1977) 466-471.
[171] 重松恒信, 西村雅吉, 室住正世, 化学分析−無機微量成分の分析−, 昭和51年度文部省科学研究費による特定研究 「海洋環境保全の基礎的研究」中間報告書I (1977) 169-183.
[172] 重松恒信, 海洋環境の汚染と今後, 化学と工業 30 (1977) 85.
[173] 森重清利, 平木敬三, 西川泰治, 重松恒信, サリチルアルデヒド-セミカルバゾン金属錯体のけい光特性とそのけい光分析への適用 −海水中のアルミニウムのけい光定量−, 分析化学 27 (1978) 109-114.
[174] 重松恒信, 海水の分析,とくに微量成分について, 日本海水学会誌 32 (1978) 150-157.
[175] T. Aoki, M. Matsui, N. Tanahashi, T. Kumagai, T. Shigematsu, Forced-Flow Chromatography of Metal Ions with the Eluent Containing a Color Forming Reagent, Bulletin of the Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University 56 (1978) 255-262.
[176] M. Matsui, O. Fujino, H. Natsume, J.i. Toei, T. Shigematsu, Some Studies on Atomic Absorption Spectrometry Using Ultrahigh-Frequency Plasma as Atomizer, Bulletin of the Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University 56 (1978) 263-273.
[177] T. Nagahiro, O. Fujino, M. Matsui, T. Shigematsu, Determination of Cadmium in Individual Organs and Divided Shells of Sea Water Calm by Atomic Absorption Spectrometry with a Carbon Tube Atomizer, Bulletin of the Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University 56 (1978) 274-279.
[178] T. Kumagai, Coprecipitation of Manganese with Calcium Carbonate, Bulletin of the Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University 56 (1978) 280-285.
[179] O. Fujino, Coprecipitation of Rare Earth Elements with Hydroxyapatite, Radioisotopes 28 (1979) 9-14.
[180] 藤野治, 松井正和, 重松恒信, 天然水中の微量金属の原子吸光分析 −DDTC-DIBK抽出による分離・濃縮法の検討−, 水処理技術 20 (1979) 201-205.
[181] T. Shigematsu, Studies on analytical method of trace metals in hydrosphere samples, Special Project Research on Detection and Control of Environmental Pollution. Environmental Trace Analysis and Detection of Chemical Pollutants (1979) 131-133.
[182] M. Sakurada, Y. Sasaki, M. Matsui, T. Shigematsu, EPR Studies of the Cobalt(II)-(N2S2)-Schiff Base Complex with Lewis Bases and CO, Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan 52 (1979) 1861-1862.
[183] Y. Sasaki, M. Sakurada, M. Matsui, T. Shigematsu, Thermodynamics of 1:1 Adduct-formation of Bis(trifluoroacetyl-acetonato)copper(II) with Lewis Bases, Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan 52 (1979) 2295-2298.
[184] M. Matsui, J.i. Toei, S. Umetani, T. Shigematsu, 4-Acyl-5-Pyrazolones as an Analytical Reagent (II). Applicability of Halogen Substituted 4-Acyl-5-Pyrazolones to the Solvent Extraction of Metals, Bulletin of the Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University 57 (1979) 337-342.
[185] H. Doe, M. Matsui, T. Shigematsu, Nonaqueous Liquid-Liquid Extraction: Solvent Extraction Studies of Zinc Chloride and Perchlorate Complexes in Glycols, Bulletin of the Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University 57 (1979) 343-348.
[186] T. Kumagai, M. Matsui, T. Aoki, A. Yamashita, T. Shigematsu, Forced-Flow Chromatography of Alkali Earth Ions Detected by Photometric Method, Bulletin of the Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University 57 (1979) 349-354.
[187] 堀部純男, 西村雅吉, 重松恒信, 海洋の物質循環, 昭和53年度文部省科学研究費補助金による特定研究 海洋環境保全の基礎的研究(最終報告書) (1979) 43-65.
[188] M. Matsui, H. Doe, T. Hirade, T. Shigematsu, Nonaqueous Liquid-Liquid Extraction. Extraction of Zinc from Methanol-Water Solution of Chloride by Trioctylphosphine Oxide in Decaline, Analytical Letters 12 (1979) 1385-1397.
[189] 重松恒信, 研究所設立前後の断想, 海洋化学研究 9 (1996) 3-5.
[190] 重松恒信, 海洋化学研究所50年史 海水中の微量元素探求への出発(1946〜1956年), 海洋化学研究 9 (1996) 54-57.